Termination of Struck or Dissolved Insurance Entities

Enforcement Notices
Date: Wed, 16 December 2020
RE: Termination of Struck or Dissolved Insurance Entities

The Cayman Monetary Regulatory Authority International (“the Authority”) informs the public that the following Class B insurers failed to meet the Authority's termination requirements necessary to surrender their licences for cancellation. As of 16 December 2020, these entities have been removed from the Authority's register, having been struck off the Companies Register of the General Registry.

Licence Number Name Licence Type
937 Three Lakes Insurance Company, Ltd. Class B Insurer
1235 Scottish Annuity & Life Insurance Company (Cayman) Ltd. Class B Insurer
2337 Northwestern Memorial Insurance Company Class B Insurer
2747 Centegra Insurance Services, Ltd. Class B Insurer

The public is encouraged to contact the Authority for further inquiries regarding the status of these entities or any related matters.

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